Craziness is a fucking understatement to say the least.

So here we are, the survivors of one of the most tumultous years in recent history. Going on 10 months of getting tired at staring at the same U-boat sized shit in a jiggly handled toilet that refuses to flush of the good things I imagined would happen. ONLY one of my predictions came true this year: DONALD aka Donnie Daughter Diddlefingers TRUMP did not get re-elected this year. I saw that dietary tea shit cleanse coming from thousands and thousands of miles away. I mean, I had to admit, I was on pretty shaky ground for a moment, but when upon seeing a whole throng of militia long beared ZZ Top rejects storming in armed with assault rifles and taking over city halls, like they did out in Michigan- you got to wonder who were they taking their brownshirt marching orders from? Oh yeah, the fucking oranged haired fake blonde bleach tossled hair orange skinned idiot who thought he could run the country without one iota of government experience, that’s who. These are the same fucks who descended from all over the country to Portland, Oregon in monster trucks to spray tear gas into the streets and the eyes of peaceful Black Lives Matters protesters. (no one really talks about the audacity of these out of town assholes, but yet it was the most painful images I saw on a YouTube video). This upcoming January 6th final certification of the votes is an indictation that Adolf Orange Snatch Grabber isn’t quite through with his hate monger shenanigans yet by the way he’s having his own private minutemen army ready to assemble upon the citizens of Washington D.C. en masse if his last second coup doesn’t work in his favor. And anyone want to weigh in stock that the Christmas morning suicide bombing that took place Nashville was done in support of overturning the last election?

Which ponders the universal question: why would stupid people be willing to sacrifice their own lives in zealous worship for such a multi-million dollar bankrupted fat slob?

But amid the immenient spark of a approaching civil war and the lack of comic book genre cinema – we still have some of this years stats to go over and I would like nothing more than to reward you, or rather reward myself with the most insane spike in readership I never imagined during this blog’s existence. I mean, grant it, most of you are just natural born haters of the recently deceased Harry Perzigian and you keep bookmarking the damn pages in vain hope that long dead washed up actor Hugh O’Connor is going to pull a fucking Lazarus on you, but I’d like to think that it’s my editiorals on keeping safe during pandemic times may have been resonating into an audience onto its’ self.

Anyway, to speed things along, I’ve decided this year to present this year’s performance in picture form. Last year, I went into countdown mode from 10 -1, but this time around, I’m just going to show you the charts. I got a big project at work to turn in on New Year’s Eve, so this cuts down on making my deadline tremendously.

Geez, what a difference a year in a mostly hunkered down paranoia mode makes. More than 10,000 views compared to last year’s 21,242 jammed the tote board making it to a record grand total of 31,923 – although the increase for visitors was not as nearly as high rounded off to 7400 potential new readers compared to last year’s 15,445. Plus – I’ve held back a great deal of comments from being posted, as most are just negative clones of the previous one before it just brainlessly berating me on my usual poke fun at Hugh O’Connor parodies, plus I just tossed a lot of them out since I’m not always in a daily witty frame of mind to respond to all of them and who really has the time for meaningless quibbles with a audience knee deep in jerking off to their own shitty point of view? BUT once in a blue mood, some do stand out that demand my profane attention.

The top ten most read blogs of the year:

Well, guess it’s time to throw another Hugh O’Connor/Harry Perzigian Dead Man Duel log onto the fire, my dear.

I can’t explain the logic of this blog’s under the radar success everytime I post a blog on these two drug overdosed deities, the stats go flying through the roof as evident by 7 out of the top ten blogs being strictly about them (the subject of my ex porn star gal pal, Rikki Lixxx is only brought up into one of them). This year, I contributed another Harry Perzigain chapter and did it with a little twist in honoring Harry this year by combining a tribute with something I remember him having heavily influenced me into enjoying a whole new appreciation: the love of my Criterion film collection that garnered at least 552 reads to come in sixth place this year, and it was the only new entry I wrote in 2020 to crack the top ten. SO – since this one was so widely successful, I’m going to compose a second Harry Perzigian tribute to his love with film. In my case, it’s seeking out worthy well made films for discussion. If you happen to see me on facebook, you know I like go into lengthy ramblings about film every Tuesday and Thursday about what Criterion branded film I bought that week and share with a group of 25 people who live within my Los Angeles surroundings.

Note: I do not count Home/Archives being on the list of the top ten.

Two former Yes Logs made the top ten this year, one detailing the Relayer years and the other, the lost 1979 Paris tapes. My tribute to Native American porn actress Hyapatia Lee was a sole contender for the ninth spot.

Yeah, sadly I’m sorry I did not get around to composing a brand new Yes Log this year since I haven’t had the chance to locate that EP of lost material from the David Benoit years that resurfaced on the band’s website- but I surely guarantee there’s a lot of catching up to do with the newly released 5.1 remix of Chris Squire’s Fish Out of Water, the latest solo releases of Rick Wakeman’s The Red Planet and Steve Howe’s Love Is, and a couple of yet to be opened live recordings lying around the house.

Bubbling below the top ten and somewhere along the middle, my Free Comic Book Day coverage and reviews of all related titles are also blowing up steam. I got some nice feedback on posting some of them during the weekly comic book store releases over the summer. With the pandemic still in full swing, it’s most likely that tradition will carry on to next year COVID 19 high thrilling adventure.

The Top Ten Countries of 2020 with the most reads are:

Well, the paradigm has certainly shifted. I see that I got a little bump from France this year, rising up two notches to number 8. Australia and Germany switched 4th and 5th places and Portugal has kicked India in the bollywood balls out of the top ten.

Finally, The Top Ten Referrers are

It’s pretty cool that people can access you by a touch of app. This huge bump in stats super secedes the usual way people stumble across PP Guru notification. There was a time when facebook was king, even though with a sharp increase in performance this year, FB was knocked down two places from last year’s third place’s 151 referrers. The last five on the list are stragglers, although notabug is new to me, it just seems to a forum that regurgitates links. People are clicking on the NHL website to check out Harry Perzigian/LA Kings connection and are being driven to my blog by that link. Discogs is a link to the Harry Perzigian discography (a.k.a. Harry Paress) and datalounge is just a gathering of gay old farts remaining baffled by the connection between Hugh O’Connor & Harry Perzigian and whatever I have to fucking to do with it.

Anyway, stop back in mid-January for a sequel to High Atop Prog Rock Mountain and everyone – or rather the good ones in my audience – please have a safe COVID free holiday.


  1. so, the only thing I don’t think you made clear that ive been able to figure out is, how did harry perzigian die exactly? I gather a suicide, lots of whiskey and mehadone- so, overdose? I don’t mean to be morbid about, but one does like to know..

    1. Alcohol poisoning. That’s how the family and coroner would put it down as.

      I pretty much stated that in previous posts and in the new 10th anniversary one I posted last April.



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