009A few short words for the dearly departed.

April 29th of last year was the day that the immortal portal opened and my best friend just happened to peek his head right through and said ‘fuck it’ – the mortgage is probably cheaper here anyway” – leaving me to hold the bag wondering how did the last two episodes of the fourth season of Game of Thrones ended before the HBO got clipped off at his house. I’m still on the waiting list for the damn fifth disc from the latest DVD collection at my local library.


We’ll never get together to listen to the 5.1 surround sound version of my favorite Yes album, Relayer on his unbelievable living room sound system. Ditto for the just newly released Jethro Tull’s Minstrel in the Gallery (both remixed by Porcupine Tree’s Steven Wilson)  – because it’s been dismantled now that the roommate and his girlfriend who now occupy his Brentwood condominium (on Harry’s dime of course – the place is still in his name) didn’t lift a finger on calling an ambulance when he kept blacking out and smacking his noggin on the cold hard linoleum floor thereby reaping in all the benefits of his estimated million dollar abode. During the time when I was a former roommate at that condo, Harry had the unconditional knack of knocking out a faithful rendition of “One White Duck = Nothing at All” with just him and his acoustic guitar at three o’clock in the morning. Would’ve loved to hear that one in super surround sound – but knowing Harry, he probably would’ve ruined it for me by whipping out his Martin acoustic guitar and TRY to play over it. Because Harry was just that way – always trying to be the center of attention.

All these so-called friends he had in the show biz world two decades back, John Fahey, Todd Bridges, Ryan O’Neal, Minka Kelly (well, technically Harry used to babysit and take her to hockey games back when he was dating her mother), Linda Hamilton, Dean Cain, Bobby Kimball, along with whoever else is surviving these days – all gone, all unaccounted for in never finding out the tragic end of the saga of their so-called party buddy.


Even as I tried to gossipmonger my way through or dropping along e-mail hints to the press at the LA Times or the LA Weekly – there was not one single feint response. Not one single callback concerning an interest story based on perhaps one of the most notorious Hollywood scandals that occurred nationally concurrently with the Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman murders: the suicide death of actor and drug abuser Hugh O’Connor, adoptive son of All in the Family Emmy winning actor Carroll O’Connor that had my friend Harry Perzigian taking the majority of the blame for it and EVEN being unlawfully incarcerated for it – because O’Connor was deep down,  a selfish piece of shit excuse for a human being, allowing his actor credibility to shift blaming someone else for his own ‘son’s’ demise when he couldn’t admit to the responsibility of taking care of his own ‘ALL in the family’ matters.


The only word to a celebrity I’ve been nearly successful in getting the word out concerning Harry’s unfortunate twist of fate was to John Wetton, who co-wrote three demos with Harry back in the mid 1990s’ after a ASIA gig got let out in the Miracle Mile area of Los Angeles. Outside the venue, I was introduced to their new guitar player Sam Coulson through a facebook friend of mine, female singer Naomi Nektare and I gave him a message to pass on. Don’t really know if Mr. Wetton had received it or not.


Nope. NOT one single reporter contacted me to verify the tragic turn of events or even wanted to hear about my attempt, along with the help of some other loyals friends and family (not his roommate – I assure you) he had left in the world in trying to save his life.

Not. One. Single. Douchebag. Member. Of. The. Press. Called.


The LA Weekly – a Los Angeles area alternative newspaper and having a usual solid reputation of doing edgy cover stories  – SHOULD AT LEAST MADE IT A FEATURE STORY. People were just as captivated back then following it on the news as much as they were waiting to hear the OJ Simpson verdict being read.

So fuck you Dennis Romero. Fuck you for ignoring a very important piece of West Los Angeles history.

I could’ve been the new Kato Kaelin, goddamn it. The fucking police grilled me long enough to at least earn that title when they initially suspected that there was foul play involved with me and his roommate.


I mean, who falls off his bed in the middle of the night trying to grab his guitar and winds up smashing his head into a pane glass mirror closet door after consuming just seven bottles of Canadian Mist and a entire bottle of prescribed methadone and tries to get up later to do tap dance?

Not very many people- but sometimes, Harry could have been capable of achieving the impossible. Only this time the inconceivable impossible finally caught up to him. The end. Finito. The punchline of the joke with the slight philosophical slant that my stepfather used to tell me when I was young dastardly came true (even though I felt there were equally as dumb as Harry’s were at times): It went something like this:  “Cary, you know, everyone dies from the same natural causes – in the exact same way: LACK OF BREATH.

Harry’s favorite joke – just in time for the festive Armenian genocide celebration and the one that got him the big laughs in 2013 when he trying to stave off his disease at St. John’s Hospital psych ward in Santa Monica, California:- ” You know, doc – there are THREE things that are capable of surviving a nuclear holocaust; cockroaches, rats, and ARMENIANS

And look at where you are now buddy, a one way ticket to the null and void – never to return.

With that said, a few weeks ago on April 11th, a select few of us people WHO still cared for Harry held a private get-together at the house of one of his ex-girlfriends up in the San Fernando Valley. Many were invited, but only a handful of us bothered to show up consisting of two ex-girlfriends, another friend named John, me, and Harry’s daughter flying in from Australia along with his two grandsons all shared together a two to three hour late afternoon dinner and discussion about the happy times and the bad times – climaxing with the ritual of releasing some blood butterflies from tiny little boxes in the shape of folded up paper classroom  footballs or Easy Wide rolling papers. I initially scoffed at the idea, believing no way can insects survive in little boxes shipped across the continent, but then I was remembering one time when I had ordered the deluxe version of Marillion’s 2005 Marbles album to be shipped from the UK and upon opening the package at my office at Warner Bros – a moth flew out and thinking in my mind ‘oh great, I probably released some new type of contagion, who knows what disease that moth’s carrying.’


We also celebrated with music – Harry’s music. A first volume of music was assembled and cobbled together from hundreds of demos featuring many collaborations with musicians and writers as diverse as Bobby Kimball, Vixen, Pretty Boy Floyd, John Wetton and Kevin Dubrow. Unfortunately, even though we printed enough CDs for fifty or so guests – I can’t sell any copies of this collection, because you know, I sure as shit didn’t get anyone’s permission to duplicate these demos. I can give them away in underground circles. BUT I’m sure if any readers wanting to get a hand of a COPY can certainly find out a way to get their hands on one. IF you know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.


Coming soon: Blogs about Engineers, North Atlantic Oscillation, Steven Wilson, The May Sweeps, and the new upcoming Deposit Man issue.


I fucking promise.



    1. I wouldn’t know. Why? Are you going to door to door taking a survey on how durable is the strength of your pencil dick of how it takes sliding up and down someone’s grease hole?

      For the record – Harry was never in prison. He served two months in LA Men’s County Jail. Do your fucking research next time if you want to play nice.

      And who the fuck are you to speak ill of the dead?

      1. And I suppose you are a expert on what is sucky songwriting. Seeing as your troll name lists such great accomplishments. Go peddle your douchebaggery somewhere else. Such cowardliness to speak about someone who can no longer defend himself. Why don’t you use your real name so I can find you and kick you in the motherfucking teeth?

  1. Wow, he died? Too bad it didn’t happen 30 years earlier. No one really gives two shits about a dead drug dealer who failed at everything he tried. Burn in hell, greaseball.

    1. Well, apparently you do since you’re wasting your precious internet time googling him. And he wasn’t’ a failure at songwriting either. He was still getting residuals with songs that he composed for soundtracks and Vixen albums.

    2. Come on. That’s a horrible thing to say. Are you a perfect person? Let me guess you have never done anything wrong in your perfect life? Your comment sounds so simple minded and obtuse. Harry went to jail and served time for his wrongdoings. You are literally saying that this one area of his life which was almost thirty years ago definded his whole existence. I’m also not justifying the bashing of Hugh O’ Connor either. I think all of it is wrong. Seriously, what happened to people having some compassion? It is so disgusting reading these comments! Especially from people that did not know either of these people, were never around when any of this happened, and have no idea what the hell you are even saying!

      The tragedy here is for everyone involved. To blame Harry for Hugh’s suicide is just ridiculous unless there was some evidence her was there or persuaded him to commit suicide like a recent case where a girlfriend was charges doing that. Clearly that wasn’t the case here so just stop that nonsense already. Like I said befor if a person wants drugs they will get them somehow. It goes beyond just using drugs and selling them. It is an addiction and an illness which has come a long way since 1995 when Harey killed himself. Back then there were not as many resources as we have now. The medical industry has also improved with regards to addiction. It used to be a stigma that is now considered an illness and can be treated with the proper care. Posting disgusting comments like this doesn’t do anything but show how worthless humans have become sitting behind a computer lashing out at one another. Back in my day all of you would get a beating if you said the things you do to someone’s face. If you can’t see that this entire situation was a tragic and horrible occurance then you are all the ones that need some help here.

  2. Why don’t you tell everyone about how you were trying to get money out of him as he was delirious and not in his right mind? Pawn scum…

    1. Sadly, you’ve been misinformed. You want to point fingers, cock your thumb into the eye of his douchebag pot farm failure of a roommate who refused to call an ambulance for him when Harry started to go into cardiac arrest and then calls me out in Sherman Oaks to come down to take care of it. He’s the one who made out like a bandit, and now lives in the condo rent free, quickly moving in his girlfriend before the blood had dried on the hard wooden floors.

      That so called check that Harry’s con artist brother in Las Vegas is referring to? Harry wrote that check out to me for services rendered from the last time he sunk into a fucking stupor of no return which pulled me away from my job at the DGA to drive him to doctor appointments and taking care of his bird due to a broken foot WHEN HIS FUCKING ROOMMATE was never FUCKING around to help him out. Plus half that money was supposed to be sent to Australia into a trust fund for his grand children THAT THE FAMILY HAVE SEEMED TO HAVE PISSED ON and FORGET THAT THEY EVER EXIST! With the exception of Harry’s father, who seems to acknowledge that he has a grand daughter.

      We’ll talk more about this mysterious check in a 2nd Anniversary blog. Glad you brought it up Dickmouth.

  3. Just want to clear up one detail regarding this accusation: “grand children THAT THE FAMILY HAVE SEEMED TO HAVE PISSED ON and FORGET THAT THEY EVER EXIST”–Harry did not learn that he had a daughter until she was 18 years old and she and her children live in Australia. In addition to the obvious logistical hurdles, Harry was also estranged from several of his family members.

    1. Doesn’t matter – family is family. Family doesn’t get to chose who their members are one day and who they are the next day like it’s A LA CARTE day at the Chinese buffet. It’s despicable how practically all the Perzigian siblings have just sneered at the mere mention of her and the grandchildrens’ existence. The only one sibling who reached out and agreed to meet up with her and the grandchildren to take them to Las Vegas to meet Harry’s mother was the one sibling I’VE been given marching orders not to talk to, WHO I also find ironically is the nicest and easiest one to talk to out of the whole misbegotten bunch, but unfortunately Harry did have much love for her. But like others tell me – THAT’s JUST MY OPINION talkin’ outta my ass.

    2. Actually I was 23 ❤️ Best I could do after waiting til age 21 to be allowed to even access my records. Airfares to the USA not being cheap. Not Harry’s fault since he didn’t know I existed. We do the best with what we have at the time. As the Guru has already stated.

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  5. There is a lot of hipocracy over drugs by people like Carroll O’Conner, who was probably addicted to script. I guess you can’t mistreat a doctor the way you can someone who shared drugs with a TV star’s son.

    1. Good observation. In fact, this is probably the most intelligent comment ever posted about this entry.
      About time someone paid close attention.

      And it took a Canadian to do all the heavy lifting.

    2. How do you come to the word “probably”?. What proof do you have that he may have been addicted to scripts? I’m just curious, not trying to start a debate or argument. Just genuinely curious.

      1. Fair question.

        After a short stint of a temp gig with the Director’s Guild that didn’t work out, I was recruited by him to drive him around for a couple of errands and many of those errands included driving him out to a doctor in Culver City to write prescriptions for him for methadone (only he told him that they were pain meds for the leg he had injured in an episode he had the previous year before he died.

        It just occurred to me how stupid it was then when his brother had me investigated by the LAPD that they didn’t search the house for evidence of what had happened. Days after they had left I found a discarded bottle of prescribed methadone and I had handled the bottle over his sister and I believe that the family had filed a lawsuit to get him disbarred. I don’t remember the doctor’s name, but his shady back alley bungalow office not too far from Sony Pictures Studio on Overland Ave.

        Thanks for asking.



    3. Exactly what I was thinking. Somehow, they get a free pass because it is a doctor prescribing it so it is acceptable for them to be addicts. They live in denial thinking that those pills are not the equivalent of street drugs. Addiction is addiction no matter how you want to deceive yourself.

    1. Why don’t you stop by Hugh Connor’s grave on your way and wax your tube steak a hot one on his mound – since you’re so quick to admonish blame on just one “drug dealer” ?

      How many fucking times is the public is going to fart on the fact that it wasn’t Harry who put the gun in Hugh’s mouth and that Hugh was equally complicit in the drug dispersal himself?

      Jeez, it’s like swatting at annoying gnats around here.



      1. It really is! I just don’t understand it. How have humans become this fucking stupid? I swear I am living in that movie Idiocracy.

        I mean what does a comment like this accomplish? Absolutely nothing. Humans are completely devolving at an alarming rate. I would never in my life post a comment like that.

      1. Hahahaha I just laughed out loud at that one. On top of his list is Kajagoogoo-Too Shy.

  6. Harry sounds like a piece of abortion who never took responsibility for any of idiot actions! Good he is gone/ can’t cause any further harm in this world.

    1. Where the fuck do you troll cunts & troll cocksuckers even hail from? Why can’t someone supply the answer to Hugh O’ Connor’s lack of responsibilities to his wife and son? The fucking mentality of most of you people is fucking staggering. You’ve got to let this shit go. For the last time, Harry Perzigian was not responsible for Hugh O’Connor’s death. Hugh had a buttsore addiction to coke way before Harry ever entered the picture. Sally, I just bet you’re the fucking cunt who used to call Harry’s house 20 FUCKING YEARS after he served his time for these ‘trumped’ up charges and leave these stupid half assed indecipherable death threats on the phone. In fact, you ARE probably one of those jack upped cunts who’s had her asshole ripped to shreds by Harry’s enormous Armenian Horsecock, only to have the door slammed in your face when coming back begging for more. So fuckity fuck you Sally, I hope you die of cancer of the cunt, but chances are you’re probably already had that ailment listed on your medical record, it’s just that it takes its’ sweet ass fucking time to kill an old buzzard bitch like you.

      1. Funny Cary complains about ppl speaking ill of the dead meanwhile he’s bashing the dead Hugh O’Conner
        I really don’t know who this cary person is but it sounds as if Harry was the love of his life and he can’t seemed to get over the fact he’s gone. Dude has some issues

      2. Well, you fucking trolls have not given one reason why you fucking losers come of he woodwork to give one rational explanation as to why the fascination with a has been actor who’s limited work set barely registered on the blip of radar.

        Of course, with you being from the backwards state of Texas where you gun touting louts favor on shooting illegals first and ask questions later, you’re quick to judge everyone’s state of sexuality EVEN though I specifically state that in numerous blog entries that we were ROOMMATES for a short period and he was a good friend of mine for a decade and the one big thing we had in common that we both FUCKED FEMALE porn stars.

        So what, you never had a best friend who was female who tragically lost her life to unforeseen circumstances?

        You fucking cunt – you’re lucky I’m not in that dried up vagina town of Richardson Texas and tried to lube that stinkhole of yours with a Daisy air gun.

        You fucking bitch, why don’t you start your own goddamn She-man Harry Perzigian Hate Club blog and stay the hell away off of mine.

        It’s my goddamn blog and I’ll fucking post whateverI goddamn please.



    2. You shouldn’t rejoice in the death of others Sally. Haven’t you ever heard of karma? It can come back and haunt you and your loved ones. Don’t be so nasty and disgusting. I suppose you have lead a perfect life yourself and look like a ‘90s supermodel. I bet I am wrong on that one.

      1. Coat,

        It is touching your affection for your friend.
        But I believe you will best honor him by how well you live your life after his death.
        Be inspired. Peace on Earth.


      2. Finally, a voice of sanity on this page. Thanks for the vote of confidence, rather than faceless cowards signing on to bash the memory of a dead man who really no horse in the race of praising a one note actor who was solely responsible for his own actions. NOT THE GUY WHO WENT IN HALFSIES WITH BUYING THE DRUGS. Let me repeat once more, both Harry and Hugh BOUGHT THE DRUGS TOGETHER. Harry was not fucking dealer. I know, it comes as a shock to all of you, but let it sink in a little bit for another twenty or so years.



  7. Your boy will always be remembered as a piece of shit drug dealer who didn’t give a shit about who he hurt or killed or anything but money and that is probably as it should be.

    1. Do you have proof of this OR are you simply a no nothing piece of shit asshole who just likes to shoot his mouth off?

      If you want to settle this face to face, let me know. I could do with scraping my knuckles on any piece of shit coward who wants to weigh with false testimony.



  8. Just stumbled upon this conversation. Wow!
    Just a couple of comments;
    Hugh O’Connor took his life because he just couldnt see any light at the end of that long dark tunnel
    That is a tragedy. For someone to be so sad is a tragedy.
    Carroll O’Conner lost his baby boy. A baby he was blesssed to be a father to. I am a mother who has lucky enough to see her babies grow up and avoid the pitfalls of addiction. The thought of losing my babies for ANY reason makes it hard to breathe.
    It sounds like your friend died a sad and tragic death with no one around who loved him. Im sure you would have cared for him if you had been there when he first showed signs of distress.
    Im so sorry you are hurting and angry. In this life we really only have a few real friends who would be there for us no matter what. You sound like that kind of real friend.
    I wish you peace

    1. I humbly thank you so very much for the intelligent and most insightful comment ever to be posted on this thread. It shows that someone actually read into this blog instead of spewing ‘troll’ hatred on somebody that nobody really has no personal connection to.

      Writing and revitalizing my series of Yes Logs was my own self induced therapy on how to deal with a loss of a friend.

      But let’s clarify one thing: Harry was not alone when he died, NOT in the physical sense, mentally perhaps, but from evidence, there were always people surrounding him practically 24/7. He had this crazy phobia of being alone and always had someone staying around to hang out with him, if it wasn’t him, it was the girlfriend, the roommate, or any of his exes he’d be talking that he’d still be on good terms with. I hung out with him on every Friday evening when he would allow me to use my old room to get up early when I had to work at SAG-AFTRA for mandatory weekend OT when I couldn’t find the viable transportation to get there in the morning from the Valley. And there were Sundays when he’d allow me to watch premium cable shows for free for practically all night until I could catch the last bus to the Valley, or if it got too late, he’d drive me home.

      However, it’s the inside people from within his family and the last clown roommate are the ones who deeply betrayed him. I tackled the subject of how the younger brother was the one who plunged the knife in his back in the sequel to this blog entitled the Two Mournings Later in the Extraordinary Afterlife of Harry Perzigian .

      Next April, I’ll reveal the reasons why Harry took his life in a step by step examination. It has a lot to do with the girlfriend, of which I didn’t delve into in the previous blogs.

      Happy Holidays.

  9. i remember Carroll O’Connor being on tv and announcing Harry’s name as his son’s dealer and thinking,…wow! what balls! Its very sad situation when you hear someone living a life that’s out of control. Interesting to hear of all the people in and out of Mr. Perzigian’s life. What did he need in life that he wasn’t getting? Also interesting that you blame his roommate and the roommate’s girlfriend for failing him in his last moments. Why not name them?

    1. Why? So you can call them up?

      You don’t see me mentioning the brother’s name either, right?

      The questions you ask will be the subject of the Third Part this April in which we will examine the thoughts that were going on in Harry’s head that led him to his demise.



  10. Hi. I just came across your post randomly. On a whim I was searching for recordings of Lace, Harry’s old band. I knew Harry pretty well back then. I was a roadie for Lace for 2-3 years. Right at their peak in and around LA, and then they started falling apart. I used to see him and John and Scott and Lee almost every night at the rehearsal studio in Northridge. I’m very sad to hear of his passing. Harry was the funniest of them all. He and John just wouldn’t shut up. I found out about John’s passing almost exactly the same way. I wouldn’t mind corresponding with you about Harry privately. I have no bones to pick with Harry. Thx.

    1. I think Harry has mentioned you a couple of times. I have all, if not most of his demos lying around, but I think his ex-girlfriend has the Lace recordings on a DAT tape somewhere. I couldn’t make copies of that tape for the family unfortunately because I don’t have access to studios these days.

      But we’ll talk soon.


    2. Hey Cla….ive got a copy of a cassette of a lace rehearsal demo tape of lace mk3 that Harry gave to me in ’82…..its phenominal….i was very honered to have worked with you guys as opening band for lace on a few gigs at their request….just found out about Harry’s passing in 2014…..the songs those guys wrote were tremendous….Harry r.i.p….very talented guy…

      1. Thank you for that John Hicks. It’s almost coming up on the 5th anniversary of Harry’s passing. That would make a great commemorative momento for you two guys to hook up and exchange demo tapes with each other.



  11. Coat, you ain’t overdosed and killed your miserable life yet? I mean you look like a ragged out whore from the 80s. Oh wait you are! I remember goin for about 18 straight hours with Hugh and Harry. I was the only one in the group that could physically beat the shit out of Harry. His dumb Armenian ass was pretty strong, but I was like Van Damme back then. I used to beat the ever loving shit out of him and take his drugs. Me and Hugh multiple times met up and I’d have “the other half” of the stash and we’d combine forces. Harry’d call the fuck out of us pissed off. I remember answering the phone because I was tired of hearing it ring and I couldn’t fucking believe it, it was Carroll! He said “this is John” so it threw me the fuck off. 20 minutes later, he’s out front and we scrammed the fuck out and called Harry and pretended we wanted to get together. We really just needed a place to go. Regardless. I’m glad as fuck he’s dead. I only wish it was you. I hope you’re next you miserable ugly piece of shit. I have no idea how two motherfuckers like you and harry were ever granted an oxygen pass. I mean it truly means there is no god. Because you two miserable wastes of fucking skin are prime examples of what NOT to be. Harry was a pile of shit. I always treated him like so. He deserved to die.

    1. Hey, are you the same jackwad who called me in the middle of the night and left a message on my phone crying about how your dead mother was buried with her head up her ass while you couldn’t bring yourself to pull your finger out of your dad’s ass before you feared that the dyke might break? If you’re the same miserable loser troll who is so extremely jealous because you couldn’t your song played on MTV like Harry did, then let’s settle this face to face at my office located off of 5757 Wilshire Blvd or I could just simply cut to the chase and punch you straight in the dick which I hear all miserable faced trolls like to get off on.

      You got my number prick.



    2. Harry was truly a gentlemen and a scholar ,I lived with him in the 80s and he knew as a runaway 17 yr old i didn’t have many career opportunities but he always let me keep my dignity by bidding $$ in places that I would find always about 15 minutes after his departure at which time I would call him telling him he left something and he would always swear he didn’t and would never take it back hearing all this trash you fucking douchnozzles are saying just proves there was nothing special about you or worthwhile traits for him to invest any assets of kindness if it just says a lot about you not him he was truly a prince to those who knew him and he never gave up on a friend ,even those who had questionable personalities such as David Lee Roth and Keven Dubrow who i personally never saw any redeeming qualities anyway shame on you for it knowing him he was truly. an asset .RIP my friend you are missed !

  12. Harry Thomas Perzigian was a worthless piece of GARBAGE; & your writing indicates only that you were cut from the same piece of cloth.

    If you truly care what others think or believe about you or anyone else about whom you profess to “care,” lose the nasty-attitude & foul-mouth, clean up your act, learn to write, speak & behave like a reasonable & civilized human-being.

    Mark my words:

    You are already adding length to the chain which will will forever-bind you, whether in this life or the next.

    Educate, better & unburden yourself before your time to do so runs out…

    NONE of us ever knows that day will come; but it WILL come, for all of us.

    Do you really want the remainder of your life to be spent as an angry, narcissitic, pathetic, ignorant & spiteful “person” or to be remembered as such (if at all)?

    1. Nice try, Ghost of my Christmas Anus past, present, or future. But, like I tell all of you haters of a person you never met or knew personally, go suck my shit through a crazy straw.



      1. Harry was truly a gentlemen and a scholar ,I lived with him in the 80s and he knew as a runaway 17 yr old i didn’t have many career opportunities but he always let me keep my dignity by bidding $$ in places that I would find always about 15 minutes after his departure at which time I would call him telling him he left something and he would always swear he didn’t and would never take it back hearing all this trash you fucking douchnozzles are saying just proves there was nothing special about you or worthwhile traits for him to invest any assets of kindness if it just says a lot about you not him he was truly a prince to those who knew him and he never gave up on a friend ,even those who had questionable personalities such as David Lee Roth and Keven Dubrow who i personally never saw any redeeming qualities anyway shame on you for it knowing him he was truly. an asset .RIP my friend you are missed !

  13. Hey, where’s hop-head Harry buried? I’ll be sure to take a big fat shit on his grave. Throw some piss on there too.

    Happy 2018, motherfucker.. lol…

  14. If we wanted to be dicks about the whole thing wouldn’t we question why pretty much all of Carroll’s Heat of the Night costars were drunks and/or drug addicts? Oh, maybe Harry ‘killed’ Howard Rollins too and caused Hugh “Carlos Brown” Autry to become a gay-hating right-wing sack of shit.

  15. One morning in the very early 80s my phone rang but, on the way, to lifting the receiver I stumbled on my cat Harry. Naturally, the person on the other end is hearing me say things like, “Oh, Harry…I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Realizing I have the receiver in my hand I say, “Hello.” The voice on the other end is asking me why I’d think he wasn’t okay? Coinkydink of coinkydinks, it was Harry calling to invite me to a Dodger game with his brother.

    I’m not a sports fan so I thanked him for the offer and declined. He told me if I hadn’t had a Dodger dog or a Dodger beer I hadn’t lived and on top of that this was to be an important occasion because be some guy named Manny Mato was to play his last game. I was instructed to be ready to go by the time they picked me up and he would take no for an answer. Well okay, what do I have to lose…an hour or two?

    We got to the stadium, got the obligatory dog and beer, sat in the sunshine with a nice breeze and I’m thinking…I can do this. Finally, everyone is getting out of their seats and I’m grabbing my purse and prompting them to get a move on. They’re looking at me like I’m crazy. “Hurry!”, I say. “Let’s beat the rush to the parking lot.” At this point they tell me,” Sharon, it’s the seventh inning stretch. The game’s not over.”

    Crap! It took forever and happily that was my last sporting event. I tell this story because the Harry I knew was kind and I liked him as a person. I had no relationship with either brother other than friendship and have always had fond memories of them both. The drug thing was before my time and I had moved away long before the new, so I cannot speak about what happened then. I’m so sorry to hear that he and his brother may have been estranged, I hope that isn’t true of Jerry. They seemed so close back then and both baseball crazy.

    My condolences to those who knew him when…

    1. Nice story Sharon… I knew Harry around the same time. I hung around his rehearsal space in Northridge a lot during the Lace days, with John Purdell, Lee Jackson and Scott Dempster. Around ’79-’81 or so. Jerry would come by sometimes and hang out. He would always say he thought Harry was ten times funnier then he was and should have been the writer, but he was hooked on music.Harry and the guys would crack joke after joke during rehearsals. Just a bunch of guys playing music and hanging out. It was good. I’ve never forgotten those days and late nights going to their shows and setting up and tearing down. I was a big fan and they were all good friends.

    2. All the brothers basically got along with each other (even the one I can’t stand). Harry talked a lot to them and his dad on the phone during the time I knew him. It was the sister who lives locally that he was usually estranged with. I don’t know why the deep rooted animosity towards.her, she was always nice to me.



    1. Oh yeah? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth before inserting a buttplug into it?

      And what exactly is your great contribution to our moral plane of existence you insufficent piece of shit gnat?



      1. Cary ,your blog is your way of dealing with the loss of such a dear friend. I’m sure hes smiling down on you from Heaven for keeping him memory alive and at the same time trying to clear his name. I actually stumbled upon this blog while looking up Hugh’s name to see if he turned out to be as famous as his father. Well,it was your blog that I was directed to first. I now look at Mr. O’Conner & his son in a whole new light. I wont speak ill of the deceased and how dare these ppl comment on your talented friend. Good for you for being his voice to defend his legacy,altho your comments are a bit on the vulgar side, i do admire your quick wit & intelligence and I’m sure that’s what your friend admired as well. It’s too bad he got caught up in the vicious cycle of addiction and so unfair of ppl to blame him for someone else’s problems. What a terrible stigma to place on Harry. Anyway… thank you for defending his name and maybe try not to stoop down to the level of those that speak negative of him. They aren’t worth your time . Use quick wit and brilliance in a more positive approach to really honor your gifted friend!

    1. Yeah, you’re right. That does indeed about sums it up.

      Now, did your mother recommend that you post this up.

      And if so, does she also pick out your gay porn to download?



  16. This morning’s rabbit hole started with a fruitless search for footage of Howard Rollins Jr discussing gender identity, and ended with an unusual obituary for a man publicly demonized by a television legend. Apparently I’m not the only weirdo who would Google three names at the bottom of a Wikipedia article, but it seems most of the others still believe everything they watch on TV.

    I don’t know if anybody in this story was actually a “dealer.” That is a loaded term, used by law enforcement to prey upon minority communities for generations. Harry was a scapegoat, that much is obvious.

    Addiction is not a law enforcement issue. It has taken this society about 100 years to figure that out. The lives of Harry and Hugh were BOTH more nuanced than any catchphrase at the end of a hypocritical anti-drug message.

    I don’t know if I’ll ever try living in L.A., but I have found this reminiscence intriguing. I’m sorry for your loss, Coat.

    ~ Timothy Obialo

    1. You’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head with your assessment Timothy. People don’t take in account, that Harry was not the one who made Hugh into a drug addict. Hugh was already a raging coke whore way before he was introduced to Harry by his brothers who had ties in the entertainment business working for Norman Lear. Everyone glosses what Harry had told me that both he and Hugh went halvies on the drug whenever they bought a huge amount of blow from a supplier in Vegas.Hugh wrote checks to cover his half of the deal. That’s all that happened No one wants to hear anything from anyone that Hugh himself was dealing drugs on the set of In the Heat of the Night. He wasn’t the only crew member addicted.

      I don’t see the need for you to come out to Hollywood when you already have a thriving film and movie production industry happening right where you are. A lot of my fav shows are being shot in Atlanta like The Walking Dead, Stargirl, Black Lightning, and Doom Patrol aren’t going anywhere soon. And for the time being, with COVID 19 cases being as low as they are in Atlanta, you’re probably better off being safe than sorry, because it’s really getting bad out there.



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